Let’s face it—the last couple of years have been rough. And for those of us in education, November is always a particularly stressful, busy time of the semester. (So many papers, exams, meetings, projects—all coming to a head at once!)
It doesn’t help that it’s now so very dark outside when we leave the building at the end of the work day. But each of us also has things we can, and should, be thankful for.
Research suggests that “gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.” According to this article from the Harvard Medical School, gratitude helps people to:
- feel more positive emotions
- relish good experiences
- improve their health
- deal with adversity
- build strong relationships
Well, who wouldn’t want all that?
A Little Help From My Friends
With these thoughts in mind, I went to my colleagues around FRCC for some assistance and guidance. I asked them to send in their thoughts explaining what they’re thankful for this fall. The idea was to pool our collective gratitude to boost all of our outlook as we head into the coldest, darkest months of the year.
Some co-workers simply sent in a single word or a short sentence. Others had more full-fledged ideas to express. All came across as truly sincere in their appreciation for what life has given us, despite the daily challenges.
With the long holiday weekend almost upon us, here are the results of FRCC’s virtual brainstorm—which highlights just a handful of the many things we have to be grateful for.
We Are Thankful For…
Meaningful Work
I’m grateful to be working with students in person again! 😊
I am thankful for committed educators who work tirelessly to help our students persist.
I am thankful that I have found my passion career! 😊
I’m grateful for my employer, for allowing me the flexibility to be there when my family needs me.
I’m grateful for students who keep showing up!
Kind, Caring Co-Workers
I am grateful I have a job—but I’m even more appreciative of the people I work with!
I’m grateful to work with so many people at the college who have really wanted to make a difference in the lives of students and have been positive thinkers and doers. That’s what motivates me in wanting to do more.
I am grateful to see my colleagues in person again, and to hear them exchanging friendly conversation and laughter in the hallways of my office suite.
I’m grateful for my amazing colleagues in Social & Behavioral Sciences! They have such passion for students, and they represent the best of what FRCC strives to be: dedicated, compassionate, inclusive and innovative.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone at the college for rolling out the welcome mat for me here at FRCC… It was pretty much everyone I have encountered. It is nice to be welcomed to a team.
I’m grateful for YOU!
I’m grateful for all of the healthcare workers, who helped my dad pull through again.
I’m grateful for my overall family health despite long-term complications related to COVID.
The science and growing body of knowledge that helps us understand how we can work and learn together safely (like wearing masks, getting vaccinated and testing for COVID).
I am thankful for my health.
Home and Family
I’m grateful for my daughter, for showing me how to see the world through the eyes of a two-year-old.
I am thankful for my home, my furies that keep my spirits lifted. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that I come from a family that values education and helped cultivate the gift of teaching.
In the midst of a wild, crazy, roller coaster year, I am grateful for the gift of time with my family. To see life through the eyes of my children in a way that challenged us to find different ways to spend our time – from finding new bike paths to ride to making up new games at home to stopping to throw rocks in the local lake for hours and so much more.
For a roof over my head and food to eat.
Colorful Colorado
I’m thankful that I can see the fall colors and enjoy the sunrise and sunset.
I’m grateful that we live in a beautiful area.
I am grateful for how beautiful our Larimer campus looks in the fall.
The incredible natural beauty all around us.
I’m thankful for the freedom to think independently and being able to speak my mind.
God is soooo good! I recently survived an auto accident when I blacked out (don’t know why yet) and hit a chain link fence at an elementary school. It was a Sunday, so no students were there. I am so very thankful!
Thank YOU
And lastly, dear reader, I appreciate you for taking the time to scroll through this compilation of our joint gratitude. THANK YOU for that—and for all you do that makes our world a place worth being grateful for.