Dear FRCC Community,
This is a unique and challenging time in Colorado. We face unprecedented wildfires, rising COVID cases, and the ongoing challenges caused by the pandemic—all during a contentious election season.
Take Time to Vote
Despite all the challenges, I hope that if you are eligible you will take the time to vote. We are fortunate to live in a state that has a tested mail-in ballot system, many ballot drop boxes, and direct citizen participation in multiple referenda and initiatives. There are a number of important measures on the ballot this year.
Each of our campuses—in Fort Collins, Longmont and Westminster—has a polling place and a ballot drop box if you need a place to vote or drop your ballot. You can see location details here.
How Far We’ve Come
I was watching a program recently about women’s suffrage and was reminded how precious the right to vote is—and how hard some Americans have had to fight for that right. For many years, only a privileged few could vote in this country. At the time the Constitution was written, generally only white male property owners could vote.
Women only gained the right to vote in 1920—and for many Black Americans, it took the civil rights movement and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to mean they could vote freely. Even today, free elections are still relatively rare in the world.
Looking to the Future
As it did four years ago, this election season seems to highlight some strong divisions in our country. Emotions are high, as are fears on both sides of what will happen if the other party wins.
While I do not know what will happen on November 3, I can say that regardless of who wins, Front Range Community College will stand for the same things:
- excellent education
- opportunity
- equity
- community
We will keep working to meet our mission and to help our students reach their goals. The challenges we face may be a little different depending on the outcome, but either way we will still provide our incredibly diverse student body with the same high-quality education. Our goal is to change lives—and regardless of what happens on November 3, we will keep working to do that on November 4… and each day after that.
Together, We Are FRCC
I also want to remind us all that regardless of our political beliefs, at FRCC we are welcoming, respectful and inclusive. Together, we are a community.
Regardless of how the election turns out, please remember to be respectful of, and kind to, your fellow Wolves—and to yourself. That may be challenging when passions are high, but I know we can all rise to the occasion. Every student here is working for a better life. And every employee is working to help make that happen.
Thank you to our students for choosing FRCC for your education, and thank you for investing in yourself. As each member of our community becomes more educated and successful, we are all better off. FRCC is dedicated to building a strong future for all of us.
Andrew Dorsey
President, Front Range Community College