Kara Freeman, an administrative assistant in the Advising, Career, and Counseling Center at the Larimer Campus, has been named Classified Staffer of the Year at Front Range Community College. She was honored at a meeting of the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education.
“The immediacy of helping students in person or on the phone is the hook for me,” Freeman says. “I like being on the front line and helping students.”
One recent challenge involved moving to temporary quarters during a renovation, then moving back to expanded space.
Her colleagues appreciate her contributions. One said, “Kara sets the bar for exceptional customer service at the front desk and on the phone. I am consistently impressed with her genuine desire to help, positive attitude, and vast knowledge of FRCC. Kara was a shining star before and during our moves.”
About Front Range Community College
FRCC offers nearly 100 degree and certificate programs from locations in Boulder County, Larimer County, Westminster, and Brighton, and online. FRCC is a member of the Colorado Community College System.
About the Colorado Community College System
The Colorado Community College System (CCCS) is the state’s largest system of higher education, serving more than 144,000 students annually at 13 colleges and 39 locations across Colorado. Our open access mission ensures all Coloradans who aspire to enrich their lives have access to quality higher education opportunities. CCCS students save time and money with affordable tuition and fees, concurrent enrollment, and guaranteed transfer to any public university in Colorado. Online courses are available via Colorado Community Colleges Online. CCCS also oversees career and technical programs in our 13 colleges, more than 160 school districts, and six other post-secondary institutions. By partnering with business and industry, CCCS helps employers meet workforce needs and prepares students for direct entry to their chosen career pathway. The vast majority of our students are Colorado residents and, after graduation, 97 percent of our students stay in state, becoming the workforce that powers the Colorado economy and the heart of our neighborhoods, businesses, and communities.