Employees tell Paul Meese, executive director of human resources at Front Range Community College, that “they came for the students and stay for the people. It is a pleasure that we all work toward a common goal of student success.”
So there’s little wonder that FRCC is one of nine institutions named as a 2016 Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges by NISOD, a community college support organization, and the magazine Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.
The “promising practices” of the winners:
- Demonstrated commitment to access and student success
- Recognition of good work
- Intentional focus on meeting the needs of local community and region
- Institutional support for continuous improvement and innovation
- Professional investment in the development of faculty and staff
- Institutional and practical support of work-life balance
Andy Dorsey, FRCC president, said “Many dedicated faculty and staff are working hard to build a culture at FRCC that supports inclusion and diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, and strives to provide opportunities and success for students of all backgrounds. This award demonstrates that we are on the right path.”
Other employees appreciate FRCC’s commitments.
- Abel Coombs, business faculty at the Westminster Campus: “I enjoy the academic freedom and support from the administration. I also enjoy the challenge of delivering a quality program to students, making sure we advance their journey.”
- Amber Kavahkar, fitness coordinator at the Westminster Campus: “I like the diversity of working with students as a facility coordinator and teacher. I have been helped immensely by kind, supportive, and encouraging administrators and colleagues.”
- Dion Duran, outreach and enrollment representative at the Larimer Campus: “I work on a great team at a great institution. It’s an environment that supports new ideas.”
- Emma Pena-McCleave, bilingual outreach and enrollment representative at the Boulder County Campus: “Student Services staff is great to work with. They are friendly and very supportive, with resources to help take care of our students.”
Other colleges on the list:
- Antelope Valley College, California
- Dyersburg State Community College, Tennessee
- Harrisburg Area Community College, Pennsylvania
- Montgomery County Community College, Pennsylvania
- Mountain View College, Texas
- Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology
- Seward County Community College and Area Technical School, Kansas
- Southwest Virginia Community College
NISOD is the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development and is based at the University of Texas. The American Association of Community Colleges calls NISOD the nation’s leading provider of professional development for community college faculty, staff, and administrators.
About the Study
Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges is part of a collaborative initiative between NISOD and Diverse, which consists of a national study conducted by the Center for Higher Education Enterprise (CHEE) at The Ohio State University, under the leadership of Dr. Terrell L. Strayhorn.
The national study employs a web-based survey approach to elicit information from NISOD member institutions. A multipart, weighted algorithm was used to classify the responding institutions in the final phase of analysis. Full results from the national study are presented in the May 19 edition of Diverse magazine.
About Front Range Community College
FRCC offers nearly 100 degree and certificate programs from locations in Boulder County, Larimer County, Westminster, and Brighton, and online.
FRCC is a member of the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), the state’s largest system of higher education, with 13 colleges across Colorado serving more than 151,000 students annually. CCCS is a vital statewide pathway to individual achievement and economic vitality. Further, CCCS institutions provide an accessible, responsive learning environment that facilitates the achievement of educational, professional, and personal goals by our students and other members of our communities, and each fosters an atmosphere that embraces academic excellence, diversity, and innovation.