As I am finishing up my Associates of Arts degree and preparing to transfer to CU Denver, I have learned a few things along the way that I think would help out anyone interested in transferring.
1. Meeting with advisors can save you time and money.
Advisors both at Front Range and at the university you are considering can provide you with great information. I recommend that once you have decided which university you are considering, you meet with an advisor at that school.
I learned this lesson the hard way. I waited until the semester before I graduated to meet with an advisor at my transfer school. When I met with them, I found out that if I had taken some different classes I still would have been able to graduate within four years, but because of the order of prerequisites, it is going to take me four and a half. At the same time, if I had not met with them, they would not have been able to recommend classes for me to take my final semester at Front Range and it would have then taken me a total of five years to get my bachelors degree.
2. Stay on top of deadlines to get the classes you want.
Registration and application deadlines at universities are typically much earlier than those of Front Range or other community colleges. With this in mind, it is very important to make sure applications are sent on time and that the university has received everything that need from you in order to process the application. I recommend calling the admissions office at the university and asking them if there is any additional information they need prior to the deadline. Registration for classes is also important to keep track of because classes tend to fill up quickly.
3. Take one thing at a time and don’t worry.
Even though it all seems like quite a process, it really is not too bad as long as you keep yourself organized and keep track of when things are due. All you need to do is take care of one thing at a time, so don’t worry about things that are not happening yet.
4. There are people to help you so ask questions.
Whenever you have questions, it is important to feel comfortable asking for help from both Front Range and the university. The key to success in new things is seeking help from people familiar with the process. Just remember that the staff at colleges are there to facilitate student success and that they enjoy helping students with any questions that they have.
What tips do you have?