We’re in full holiday mode now! With the students and faculty done with finals, they are off enjoying their well-earned winter break. Before they left, we asked them to share with us some of their favorite holiday foods. I think you’ll really see the diversity of our Front Range family in their responses.
Anything my mom bakes around the holidays. She shows her love through her culinary creations!
Roast Beast! When it’s my turn to host Christmas, I opt for something other than turkey. And after all, we just had turkey at Thanksgiving! Cooking for my vegetarian husband, it’s not often that I get beef, and prime rib is my favorite.
I’m especially partial to cookies, cakes and pies of any sort!
I love the appetizer part of the meal. I could dine on brie with honey & walnuts all afternoon. Forget the main dish! Spinach artichoke dip, stuffed mushrooms, and fresh sourdough bread—yum!
Party potatoes. It’s like a cheesy potato casserole. YUM!
Tamales with red chile that my grandma makes. Unfortunately, she doesn’t make them as much as she used to. I may try making them—and not get mad when the masa (dough) doesn’t stick to the hojas (corn husks)—so the tradition continues.
Coconut balls. My wife is famous for them. For starters, just ask this baker’s dozen: Dan, Patricia, Derrick, Susan, Larry, Mike, Jeanne, Doug, Rachel, Calvin, Nancy, Tac, Ann.
The ham we have for Christmas dinner.
My husband’s family is Italian, and they make spaghetti—yes, spaghetti—for holiday meals. It’s a recipe straight from the Old Country, and we enjoy making it as much as eating it. From my side of the family, I make Nisuaa (pronounced NISS-ooh-ah), a Finnish sweet bread, using my Finnish great-grandmother’s recipe. And of course none of this food has any calories whatsoever!
English Trifle Pudding. There’s no good way to make this recipe low-fat or low sugar, but once a year it’s heavenly.
I’m a sucker for the classic turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing…basically Thanksgiving dinner.
My grandpa’s stuffing. I made it for Thanksgiving this year, but couldn’t do it justice.
What are your favorite holiday foods? Got any good recipes you’re willing to share?