February is Heart Month, but you should take care of your heart year-round.

These are my top three ways to stay heart-healthy. Anything I share with students or write about is truly self-advice and self-reflection. I hope some of these thoughts may resonate with you.

Be Present.

Be present in your choices and reactions. Be present in managing schedules, what you eat, and how you interact with others.

Being present makes us aware to communicating compassionately, and being authentic in where we are in that moment. In the same turn, we are giving all of our attention to the people or situations we are focusing on. This is my number one goal this year.

Get Enough to be Enough.

Manage work and school, including sleep, food, water, downtime, playtime, homework, so when you are in class, studying, exercising or at home with family, you have all the tools you need to execute.  And then release it when you are not there. Hanging onto worries & emotions when you are not in the place to handle them is hard on your mind, your body, and your relationships.

Before we can assist others we have to assist ourselves. Protect your peace, so others will feel and reflect your energy.

Be Okay with Being Uncomfortable.

This is the only way to change. Not in a place of pain, but a place where you are challenged in a positive way. This means that if your healthy task is working out more, go until you feel your heart rate quicken, not to the maximum but to 60-75 percent of it. Lose your breath, stay calm, and get it back.

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