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ARCHIVE | Tag: Westminster Campus

Earn Logistics Certificate at FRCC Campus in Westminster


In response to requests from industry, Front Range Community College will offer a Logistics Certificate at the Westminster Campus beginning with the spring semester in January 2015. Registration is underway now. To register, go to www.frontrange.edu/getstarted. Skills and training The Logistics Certificate will give students the technical skills, proficiencies, and competencies to work in transportation, […]

What is an A.A.S. Degree?

Another acronym, right? Yes—but we’re going to break it down so you know what it means to you! It is one of four degree types offered at a community college – and one of the most popular. It stands for an Associate of Applied Science degree. Now let’s break it down. Associate: 2-year degree An […]

From Community College to Mines and MIT

You might think Front Range Community College is an unlikely starting point to reach Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Just don’t say that to Matthew Mahaffey. This former Front Range student is an undergraduate researcher this summer at MIT. College at The Right Time Matthew grew up in Georgia and had an offer of a basketball […]

Reinventing Yourself as a 40-Something

Gerry Cordutsky was in his early 40s when he was laid off from his job as an electrical engineer. “There were not a whole lot of opportunities in my niche area,” he says. “I needed to reinvent myself. I wanted something I would be interested in and that there was a market for.” Pharmacology fit […]

When Teaching is in Your Blood

Marie Teto

A decade after graduating high school, Marie Teto was working in a job she loved for a government-funded program that helps low-income individuals pay their heating bills. But some life changes caused her to re-evaluate her life and career goals. “I realized I wanted to do something more with my life, and education seemed like […]

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