FRCC to Expand Paid Apprenticeships in IT, Cybersecurity

FRCC plans to increase its apprenticeship offerings by expanding into the high-demand information technology, networking and cybersecurity fields.
FRCC plans to increase its apprenticeship offerings by expanding into the high-demand information technology, networking and cybersecurity fields.
P-TECH students complete college-level courses in high school. They can earn their diploma + an associate degree in computer info systems from FRCC—at no cost to the student.
Major federal funding will boost FRCC’s optics technology program to help staff Colorado’s high-tech manufacturing industry.
Get a sneak peek of the new film Coded Bias prior to its broadcast premiere and continue the conversation locally. Front Range Community College is hosting a public screening of the new documentary film Coded Bias from Emmy Award-winning Independent Lens. Watch the movie, then join us for a live virtual discussion with Colorado experts. […]
Colleges and universities around the world are promoting the concept of open education this week—in an effort to expand educational opportunities for all people. At the center of this movement is the belief that education is strengthened when it is openly shared. Open education “encompasses resources, tools and practices that employ a framework of open sharing […]
You might have heard that Colorado’s job market is strong and that unemployment is impressively low (2.7%, in fact). That means there are a lot of job opportunities in the state—and potential career paths to consider. But maybe you want to know more specifics. What are the big industries fueling our economy? Where are we […]
Eric Salahub, philosophy faculty at Front Range Community College’s Larimer Campus, has earned the Colorado Community College System’s Teaching with Technology Award. He was honored at a meeting of the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education this month. The Jerome Wartgow Teaching with Technology Award recognizes a full-time faculty member for excellence in […]