Amazon Offers Pre-Paid Tuition for Its Front Line Employees at FRCC

FRCC is a new education partner for Amazon’s Career Choice program—giving hourly employees access to the college’s more than 200 degree and certificate options.
FRCC is a new education partner for Amazon’s Career Choice program—giving hourly employees access to the college’s more than 200 degree and certificate options.
Funds will support a new TRIO program at the college’s campus in Longmont, as well as the existing program in Westminster. The U.S. Department of Education has selected Front Range Community College to receive two federal grants of $1.3 million each—to help more students succeed in and graduate from college. The money will allow FRCC’s […]
In recent years, higher education has undergone a significant transformation. A large number of small liberal arts colleges have closed. Undergraduate majors have become more STEM-focused and aimed toward employment. The popular myth of the liberal arts, especially in the humanities and art, is one of an elitist and impractical pursuit that creates unemployable young […]