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ARCHIVE | Tag: Front Range Community College

What is Optics/Photonics Technology?

From your LED alarm clock that wakes you up to your TV remote that keeps you on the couch when you change channels, optics technology is all around you. Checking out at the grocery store? Optics. Paying with a credit card? Optics. What is Optics? Optics is a branch of physics, but don’t let that […]

How to Reinvigorate Your Motivation

Many college students have been there before: You’re overwhelmed with school and everything else in your life. Maybe the problem is new to you, and you’ve “lost steam” for a reason you can’t exactly pinpoint. Or maybe you’ve become discouraged with one or more classes and have fallen into a rut. Whatever the case, it’s […]

1968 – Watershed for Change

Assassins took the lives of political revolutionaries Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy. Protests emerged in nearly every major city of the United States to draw attention to racial, gender, and political issues. Two black athletes were expelled from the Olympic Games for raising their fists as a salute for equality and human […]

History of Westminster Campus

The Early Years From the years 1968 to 1977, the Community College of Denver-North (CCDN) held classes in a variety of locations and temporary structures (for more information on how CCDN became FRCC, check out FRCC Celebrates 50 Years). After some initial planning for a new location to accommodate the immense growth of the college […]

What is an A.A.S. Degree?

Another acronym, right? Yes—but we’re going to break it down so you know what it means to you! It is one of four degree types offered at a community college – and one of the most popular. It stands for an Associate of Applied Science degree. Now let’s break it down. Associate: 2-year degree An […]

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