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ARCHIVE | Tag: Corporate Solutions

FRCC DTECH Grads Compete in International “Bus Roadeo”


Back when Noah Stwalley and Jackson Hughes were accepted into FRCC and RTD’s Diesel Technology Training program (DTECH), it probably didn’t occur to them that they would eventually end up showing off their skills at an international competition. But that’s exactly where they landed recently—at the International Bus Roadeo. What Exactly is DTECH? The DTECH […]

What is Optics/Photonics Technology?

From your LED alarm clock that wakes you up to your TV remote that keeps you on the couch when you change channels, optics technology is all around you. Checking out at the grocery store? Optics. Paying with a credit card? Optics. What is Optics? Optics is a branch of physics, but don’t let that […]

Credit vs. Non-Credit: What’s the Difference?

At Front Range Community College and many other colleges, some courses are for credit and some are non-credit. What’s the difference? Credit Classes When you see “credit,” think academics. At FRCC and elsewhere, most credit courses are applicable to a degree or certificate. Most, but not all. Classes below the 100 level may say they […]

Transformational Partnership Creates Education Without Barriers

The Northern Colorado (NoCO) Manufacturing Partnership has collaborated with FRCC to develop training designed especially for new supervisors in manufacturing—with funding through the Colorado Workforce Development Council. Since the program began in late 2016, 80 individuals from 27 different Northern Colorado Manufacturers have increased their Supervisor/Management skills by enrolling in the NoCO Manufacturing/Front Range Community […]

FRCC’s Vosler Recognized with Talent Champion Award

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Lynn Vosler, director of workforce development at Front Range Community College, has received a Talent Champion Award from the Colorado Workforce Development Council. Vosler was nominated by Colorado Career and Technical Education (CTE), a division of the Colorado Community Colleges and Occupational Education System, for her advocacy of all CTE stakeholders, including secondary schools, post-secondary […]

NoCo Manufacturing Partnership Elects 3 to Board of Directors

The NoCo Manufacturing Partnership has three new board members. Stacy Johnson, director of economic development for the town of Windsor; Heidi Hostetter, vice president for Faustson Tool, Arvada, and industry chair, Alliance for the Development of Additive Processing Technologies, Colorado School of Mines (ADAPT); and Mina Cox, chief operating officer of Specialty Products,  Longmont, were […]

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