Graduate Voices: Veronica Rodriguez

As we celebrate our graduates, we hear many powerful stories about their lives. Read how Veronica earned her associate degree while still in high school.
As we celebrate our graduates, we hear many powerful stories about their lives. Read how Veronica earned her associate degree while still in high school.
FRCC plans to increase its apprenticeship offerings by expanding into the high-demand information technology, networking and cybersecurity fields.
P-TECH students complete college-level courses in high school. They can earn their diploma + an associate degree in computer info systems from FRCC—at no cost to the student.
Couple Graduates from CU Boulder, Starts Their Careers When Lana Milijasevic and Josh Ruchwarger enrolled separately in a biology class at Front Range Community College in 2016, they didn’t expect to find love. “I spotted Josh pretty early in the semester, but he always went to class and then left campus to go to work, […]
Front Range Range Community College (FRCC) and St. Vrain Valley Schools have been awarded a $494,175 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support the opening of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program in cybersecurity. The grant was awarded as part of NSF’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program, which focuses […]
Internet of Things (IoT) can mean different things to different people, depending on the context. IoT may be implemented on an industrial scale within advanced manufacturing, power grid automation, or smart cities. In the home and for personal appliances, IoT is implemented on a consumer scale. The technologies and disciplines underlying the industrial and consumer […]
Getting a good job is not the only reason to go to college, although much public discussion seems to focus on this one goal. So let’s take a look at the job market in our part of Colorado. Top 25 Careers for Community College Graduates An economic forecasting agency recently projected the top 25 job […]
Industry in Colorado finds it difficult to fill “middle-skills” positions – the jobs skilled technicians fill. There’s research to back this up from Burning Glass. It found that middle-skill jobs in Colorado take 16 percent longer to fill than middle-skills jobs in the rest of the country. Manufacturers, as a subset of industry, have an […]