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Front Range Community College Blog

Popular 2012 Apocalypse Theories

As most people have heard, the end of the world is upon us, mere days away at this point. According to several popular lines of thought, only the “doomsday preppers” and those invited to ride it out in the secret government bunkers are going to survive the coming apocalypse. Other ends of the world failed […]

MOOC: Online Learning for College Faculty

What is a MOOC? MOOC stands for “Massive Online Open Course.” You may have heard about MOOCs on the news or read about them on the Internet. Stanford University offered a MOOC last fall that had over 180,000 students. Can you imagine that? 180,000 students logging into one course! But it does take a special […]

4 Easy Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

The advisor for our debate team loved Abraham Lincoln. He quoted him all the time. Apparently it stuck, because in the middle of my closing argument at our final competition I unintentionally repeated one of Lincoln’s quotes, something our advisor had said a dozen times. I didn’t cite it. The other team caught it. We […]

New Urban Agriculture Management Certificate at FRCC Provides Knowledge, Skills for Success

A new Urban Agriculture Management certificate at Front Range Community College provides students with the knowledge and skills to start their own urban farms or work as technicians for companies that develop and maintain urban farms. Classes are taught at both the Larimer (Fort Collins) and Westminster campuses of FRCC. The Horticulture and Landscape Technologies […]

Reflections of a New Mom: Returning to Work

In the almost 11 months since I’ve been a new mom, during pumping sessions, late night feedings, and stressful work days, I’ve often thought about what I wanted to write in a blog post about being a working mom. Being a working mom, however, has kept me from actually writing anything before now. Anyway, here […]

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