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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

Why college?

Whether you’re going to college to start your education, to make a career change, or for another reason entirely, you probably know by now that college is important. But why? Here are four major reasons to get a college education: You’ll become the person you want to be. College is a time for you to […]

5 reasons why you should learn to write better

This might surprise you coming from a writer, but writing is really hard. Good writing, that is. Bad writing is easy, and unfortunately, it’s everywhere – probably because it takes a lot less effort, focus, and care. I didn’t major in journalism or English or creative writing in college. Believe it or not, my major […]

5 networking tips for regular people

We hear it all the time. Networking is crucial.  It’s a tough economy – you have to sell yourself. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Ugh, right? Sounds like you better write yourself a catchy elevator pitch and sign up for some professional associations. I’m definitely not a networker in the traditional […]

Going back to school after a layoff

In the past decade, millions of Americans have been laid off. Unemployment is at 9 percent (8.8 percent in Colorado), with the number of long-term unemployed people (jobless for more than 27 weeks) at a whopping 5.8 million. It’s discouraging and downright scary to lose your job, especially if you’ve been in the same industry […]

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