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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

Being Successful: Why It Isn’t Easy

Text graphic which adds together Think + Idea + Try + Do + Do Again + and Again + Keep on Doing equals Success

We all have different roles besides being college students. Some of us are mothers, others are fathers, we are employees, as well as employers. We are all different in some ways, but we all have one thing in common: we want to be successful at Front Range Community College. Be Extraordinary, Rather than Ordinary The […]

Who Needs a Library When You Have the Internet?

laptop with pages coming out of it

According to the internet, a writer named Andrew Brown said, “The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.”  Of course, it’s difficult to find where that quote came from if you’re looking online; you’re just given the quote and that’s that. Even looking […]

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