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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

A College Student’s Summer Career Guide

Summer break is around the corner, which means it’s time for a break from the books. However, it’s also a perfect time to step into the real world and learn a little about what your future might hold. Read on for ideas on how you can boost your resume, explore career options, and learn something […]

What’s the Hidden Job Market?

I think we should have a contest for the job search term most likely to terrify new job seekers, and I think the winner would be “Hidden Job Market.” Say these words to a new college graduate or high school student looking for his/her first summer job, and watch their eyes widen in horror. “You’re […]

What Do Pharmacy Technicians Do?

Pharmacy technicians prepare the prescription medications that are dispensed to patients after pharmacist review. The job involves measuring, mixing, counting out, labeling, and recording amounts and dosages according to prescription orders. The medications could be the pills pharmaceutical companies supply to pharmacies, or they could be medications that the pharmacy technician prepares – that’s called […]

How to Prepare for College Final Exams

Final exams are just around the corner, and whether this is your first semester or you are a seasoned pro, college finals can be the most challenging time of the semester. This means managing your time, using effective study strategies, and handling stress by taking care of yourself is on the agenda. Managing your time: […]

Finding My Place at Community College

Kathryn Howarth

As a second year student at Front Range Community College, I love my school, and I’m proud to be in college. I am a very active student on campus from being in Student Government, Leadership groups, and Ally clubs. This was not always the case for me, and I had to overcome some very large […]

Honored to be a Product of Community College

Elizabeth Grant

A few months after I turned 17, I became pregnant, and very soon after married. From that moment, I became convinced that the likelihood that I would earn a college degree was nearly impossible, despite the fact that I always imagined myself going to law school. While other 18-year-olds were packing for college and spending […]

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