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ARCHIVE | Category: College & Career Success

College as an Adult Student

So you’ve decided to go back to school. For whatever reason it didn’t work out in your late teens or twenties: kids, work, finances. Here you are, walking into a college for the first time in 17 years, or maybe the first time ever. Maybe your classmates are close to your kids’ ages. They dress […]

Why I Chose FRCC: A Student’s Perspective

Early in their senior year of high school, or perhaps earlier, many students begin deciding where they will start their college career. Not me. I never thought about college until two months before graduation. Graduating and Clueless I always knew that I wanted to grow up, get a great education, and have a great career, […]

3D Printing Offers CAD Students More Opportunity

With 3D printing really taking off, Claudia Romero, program director for Computer-Aided Drafting and Design (CAD) at FRCC’s Larimer Campus, can say, “Yes, we do that. In a big way.” New space, bigger space CAD moved into bigger quarters at the Larimer Campus with the opening in August of newly renovated Redcloud Peak, one of […]

10 Reasons to Start at a Community College

If you’re considering becoming a student at Front Range Community College—or any community college—you might wonder if you’re making a good decision. (Short answer: Absolutely!) There are many reasons to start at a community college, but here are 10 good ones: 1. To save money The National Center for Education Statistics reports that average tuition, […]

Associate Degrees You Can Earn Online

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Online classes work well for many students. Maybe they have family or work responsibilities, or transportation issues, or they live in an area without convenient access to a college campus. Whatever the reason, taking college classes online is a way to fit higher education into their lives. Here, at Front Range Community College, we offer […]

How a FRCC Writing Consultant Can Help You

Students come to the FRCC Writing Centers with questions about their writing assignments. But sometimes we may ask a few questions of our own. It may be surprising, or even frustrating to be faced with questions when you are looking for answers. Our intention with our questions, however, is to be helpful and encourage you […]

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