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ARCHIVE | Category: College Students

Why do I need to know math?

We recently took up some grass to expand our perennial garden. The question was: How much mulch to cover the area to a depth of 3 inches? I’m glad I paid attention in my math classes. But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what some math teachers say: “Mathematics has a pervasive and essential […]

Nursing students learn by giving service in Belize

On a hot and humid June 25, nine students, Jason Speaks, my colleague from the Westminster Campus Nursing faculty, and I arrived in Punta Gorda, Belize, for a 10-day service-learning course. Our nursing and pre-nursing students and an administrative assistant for Health Professions at the Boulder County Campus were eager to learn about the free […]

Take Your Time, Get Help in Choosing a Major

So, you have selected your classes for the fall semester. English, math, reading, and maybe a general education requirement or two is on the docket. While you feel ready, the questions from others seem endless: What is your major? What are you working toward? What do you want to do with your life? You may […]

Let’s bury some community college myths

So you’re considering community college for your studies, or maybe you’ve taken several classes at one already. Or maybe you’re just thinking about it, but wondering if community college is right for you. Front Range prides itself on many things, but first and foremost, we’re proud of our dedication to helping students achieve their goals—and […]

5 reasons why you should learn to write better

This might surprise you coming from a writer, but writing is really hard. Good writing, that is. Bad writing is easy, and unfortunately, it’s everywhere – probably because it takes a lot less effort, focus, and care. I didn’t major in journalism or English or creative writing in college. Believe it or not, my major […]

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