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ARCHIVE | Category: College

What is Medical Office Technology?

When you walk into your medical office or clinic, chances are you will be greeted by a member of the administrative support staff. And when you’re called into an exam room, you might see a medical assistant before you see the doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. And after you leave, someone will bill your […]

Is Grammar on Its Way Out?

In case one hasn’t noticed, grammar seems to be on the way out. Instead of nice, clean and communicative sentences, readers of all kinds are met with piles of misspelled words, strange sentence fragments, and barely recognizable abbreviations. Occasionally, this causes much chagrin among those who consider themselves grammatically correct. The curse of the emoji […]

How I Became an Engaged Learner

Last year I made up my mind to go back to school. That decision brought growth and change as well as doubt. I wasn’t sure how to set myself up for academic success and was afraid of failure. I found that engaging with my uncertainty helped me discover my passion for education. I took a […]

Cheatsheet of Financial Aid Terms

FAFSA. NSLDS. EFC. SAP. With all these letters, you might feel the need to send out an S.O.S. for help! However, all these letters make up a part of the financial aid process and are important to know. But don’t send out your message of concern yet…the Financial Aid Office Staff is here to help! […]

What is a Health Information Technologist?

Managing health information has always been an important role for health care providers. However with the transformation from paper records to electronic health records, and new laws impacting data reporting and reimbursement changes, health information management (HIM) has become a vital role in health care operations. Health Information Technologists helps ensure health information (patient data/ […]

Steps to VA Certification for Veteran Students

Heading back to school can be an overwhelming task for any one, no doubt. Student veterans attending colleges today have even more school responsibilities than those of their traditional classmates. This is mostly due to the fact that many veterans come home eligible for some sort of VA educational benefit. VA educational benefits provide a […]

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