As we celebrate Black History Month at FRCC, we hope you can join us for an incredible learning experience. UCLA researcher Jewell Humphrey will give a talk about how her maritime archelogy work is helping to preserve Black cultural heritage.
Jewell’s career is dedicated to uncovering sunken histories of the African diaspora. In her presentation “Harboring History” she details the possibilities of underwater archaeology for preserving Black cultural heritage.
Additionally, she will describe a typical “day in the life” of an underwater archaeologist and her journey from land-locked Colorado to scientific diving in the Caribbean. Jewell will take questions at the end, so come prepared to learn and discuss.
She will be presenting at each FRCC campus during the first week of February. Refreshments will be provided and all events are free and open to the public.
Join Us:
Westminster Campus
Monday, February 3 — Noon to 1:30pm
3645 W. 112th Avenue in Westminster
Rocky Mountain Room
Larimer Campus
Tuesday, February 4 — Noon to 1:30pm
4616 S. Shields Street in Fort Collins
Longs Peak Student Center, East/West Conference Rooms
Boulder County Campus
Wednesday, February 5 — Noon to 1:30pm
2121 Miller Drive in Longmont
Classroom Building, Community Room