Did you know that many students come to FRCC with the intent of transferring somewhere else to earn their bachelor’s degrees?
And did you know that transferring is so common (and supported) that Colorado has a statewide agreement making it easier?
Keep reading for the answers to 10 frequently asked questions about transferring to four-year schools:
What FRCC degrees transfer to other schools?
The Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science. These degrees transfer to any Colorado public four-year college or university.
What about other associate degrees?
Generally speaking, the Associate of Applied Science and Associated of General Studies are not intended to transfer to bachelor’s degree programs. These degrees are good for those who want to get to work right away. Some credits might transfer, and some A.A.S. and A.G.S. degrees may have transfer agreements with specific schools, so work with your advisor.
If I get an A.A. or A.S. degree, how do I make sure it transfers where I want it to?
FRCC’s A.A. and A.S. transfer degrees guarantee that you can graduate from FRCC with a two-year associate degree (60 credits) and transfer to a participating Colorado school. Then, you just have to complete 60 more credits to get a bachelor’s degree. You must talk with an advisor to make sure you take the right courses at FRCC.
Do I have to take specific courses for those 60 associate-degree credits?
Yes. There are specific classes to take at FRCC (check out the A.A. requirements and the A.S. requirements). Also, make sure you’re clear on the degree-specific requirements to transfer out as a junior.
I know I want to major in _____ when I get to ABC University. Do I need to do anything differently?
Short answer: Yes. The A.A. and A.S. can be tailored to prepare for specific transfer options. They can also be completed as a degree “with designation,” which sets you on the path for a certain degree path (e.g. the A.S. with Horticulture Business Management designation or the A.A. with Business designation). It all depends on the requirements of the school to which you plan to transfer and your intended major. Make sure you meet with the Advising department to get you on the right track.
I already know I’m going to transfer to a four-year school, so what process should I follow when applying to FRCC?
Applying to FRCC as a transfer student is actually no different from applying as a traditional admissions student. Here’s how you get the admissions process started.
Once I get close to finishing my A.A./A.S., how do I transfer my FRCC credits?
The “receiving institution” (wherever you are going next) will need official transcripts to get things started. There is a process, however, and your best bet is to visit the Advising department at your FRCC campus early (and every semester) to make sure you’re doing things correctly from the outset.
I’d like to transfer to a college outside of Colorado. Will my credits transfer?
This is up to the receiving institution, but the Advising department will help you investigate the possibilities. We do have a few partnerships with institutions offering specific majors, and some of them are outside of Colorado.
I just want to take a few general education classes at FRCC and transfer them to a four-year public college in Colorado where I’m earning my bachelor’s degree currently. How do I do that?
You can take “Guaranteed Transfer” courses, which are marked “GT” in the course catalog. Check with the college or university you’re attending to make sure you’re taking the correct course(s) for your major’s requirements.
I’m not sure where to go for transfer admission information at CU/CSU/MSU/other. Can you help?
Our Advising department definitely can. (Do we sound like a broken record? Advising can really help you with all things transfer-related). Also, this handy chart gives you a rundown on transfer deadlines and other important information for some of the Colorado universities you might be considering.
Everyone at FRCC is excited to help you achieve your higher education dreams. Transferring is very common here, and we want to make the process smooth and easy for you. Get on the right track with your advisor and keep working hard. Before you know it, you’ll be a student at the college or university you select—and well on your way to your bachelor’s degree.