Two executives with extensive experience in high-tech industries have joined the board of directors of the Front Range Community College Foundation.
D. William Getsie of Niwot brings financial expertise to the board. Harold Henke of Longmont contributes online education and training expertise.
In more than 25 years with IBM, Getsie was a manager, financial consultant, manufacturing controller, and controller for operations in New York, Japan, Singapore, and China. He finished his IBM career as senior finance manager for IBM Printing Systems, based in Boulder. He then was controller of WildCharge Inc., a Boulder start-up. Most recently, he was director of finance and business analysis for Gebhardt Automotive Group in Boulder.
Getsie has a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master of Business Administration from the State University of New York at Buffalo.
Henke, an instructional designer for Brocade Communications in Broomfield, also worked more than 20 years for IBM as an information developer, software engineer, and senior e-learning engineer. He was a research fellow for the eBook Forum in New York and a senior technical writer and course developer for Bass-Trigon/American Innovations in Littleton and for Optica Technologies in Niwot.
Henke, who has a doctorate in computing technology education from Nova Southeastern University, supports FRCC students through the Henke Walker Foster Child/Orphan Scholarship Fund.
The FRCC Foundation was established in 1994 to raise funds for scholarships, programs and facilities.